Monday, June 17, 2013

Store An Open Bottle Of Red Wine

Keep Your Red Wine Fresh

Enjoyed by millions of people across the globe, red wine is one of the world's oldest and most decadent beverages. Whether you enjoy an occasional glass or two on special occasions or make it a part of each evening's dinner, chances are, you've probably had to store an open bottle at some point in your wine-drinking career. Well, if you've ever wondered how you should store an open bottle of red wine, then look no further. Follow these steps to keep your unused red wine fresh and delicious.


1. Re-cork your red wine with a plastic wine stopper. Make sure the stopper is tightly secured to prevent any air from entering the wine bottle.

2. Place the wine in your refrigerator. For best results, store the bottle on its side.

3. Remove the wine from your refrigerator approximately two to three hours before you plan on drinking it (this allows the wine to return to room temperature).

4. Keep the wine bottle away from light (especially sunlight) when you remove it from the refrigerator. Even the shortest exposure to light can negatively affect the red wine's taste.

5. Drink the wine within three to five days from the day you originally opened the bottle. After five days, red wine usually grows stale and may even have a vinegar-like flavor.

Tags: five days, open bottle, store open, store open bottle, wine bottle, your refrigerator