Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Buy A Belgian Waffle Iron

If you are shopping for a Belgian waffle iron, you might as well get the fresh strawberries, powdered sugar and whipped cream ready as well. A Belgian waffle is a little different from a regular waffle as it is larger and lighter weight than the more traditional waffle. So, when buying a Belgian waffle iron, be sure that you are purchasing a "Belgian waffle" iron as opposed to a traditional waffle iron.


1. Shop in stores that specialize in kitchen appliances. Even consider gourmet cooking stores. These are great places to purchase your Belgian waffle iron as you can also purchase Belgian waffle mixes as well.

2. Check the shelves in discount retail stores and department stores in their kitchen appliance departments. Be sure to check your display or box to make sure that it states this is a "Belgian waffle iron."

3. Browse online or Internet sites for selections of Belgian waffle irons. This will give you a great opportunity to do some comparison on pricing, sizes and colors of the various waffle irons.

4. Go to restaurant supply companies to view their selection of Belgian waffle iron. These will be more of a professional style, but may be exactly what you need for your family.

Tags: Belgian waffle, waffle iron, Belgian waffle, Belgian waffle iron, Belgian waffle iron, sure that