Monday, October 3, 2011

Pick Chili Cookoff Judges

Chili cook-off judges must have educated pallets since they have to evaluate the numerous chili entries. The qualifications for cook-off judge can vary, depending on whether the cook-off is just a fun party, a fundraiser or a serious culinary competition.


1. Recruit the judging committee. Post a flyer or a request for cook-off judges in a chili or cooking club newsletter or on a website such as the Chili Appreciation Society International (see Resources below). For an annual event, send letters to past judges, inviting their participation or their referrals.

2. Invite local celebrities such as newscasters or fire chiefs to judge. Your cook-off sponsors and their employees can also be judges. Local involvement is particularly beneficial for chili cook-offs designed as fundraisers.

3. Have each candidate complete an application form. As a minimum the application form should include, name, age, cooking experience, favorite chilis and occupation.

4. Screen judges for age and prior cooking experience. Set a minimum age requirement of 18. Head cooks from local restaurants provide strong candidates. Make sure that none of the judges have relationships with any of the contestants.

5. Consider allowing attendees to judge the entries. This People's Choice award can be given in conjunction with an official judging. Prepare this type of judging by having ballots for each person that wishes to judge the chili they taste. The ballots for attendees should be less complicated than the official judging ballots. Have them check of a box next to a grade between 1 and 5, or "So-so" to "Awesome."

Tags: application form, cooking experience, cook-off judges, official judging