Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cook For A Vegan

There's no need to feel as though cooking for a vegan is a big deal, or much more work than cooking for anyone else. There are ingredients that you need to be careful of, personal beliefs that you may need to consider and food preparation guidelines.


1. Read the ingredients. Some ingredients to stay away from are as follows: anything meat, whey, dairy, glycerin, and gelatin. Avoid anything that comes from an animal. If all else fails, ask your vegan guest what is okay and what is not.

2. Label your dishes. When you are planning a large dinner party, or a large family gathering, label which dishes are vegan and which are not. To put your vegan guests at ease, know what you cooked with, or write down what you used.

3. Be considerate. Vegans are people too, and just like religion and politics, it may be best to steer clear of the vegan beliefs for polite conversation. Some people are very adamant about their beliefs, and some are very laid back. It is best to not step on any toes when possible.

4. Cook with different utensils and pans to avoid cross-contamination. Make sure you keep your meat and dairy ingredients away from the non-meats.

5. Have fun with it. If you like cooking, a vegan dishes are just as enjoyable to make as any other. There are bases for every dish, and tofu, tempeh, and seitan tend to be prepared much like meats are.

6. Stick to the basics. Vegans steer clear of meats, but they are lovers of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and most other natural foods. Pasta dishes tend to be fine for cooking for vegans if you don't use egg noodles and don't put any meat or cream sauces on the pasta.

Tags: away from, cooking vegan, steer clear, that need, your vegan