Thursday, December 30, 2010

Make Grape Juice Popsicles

Grape juice popsicles are an inexpensive, healthy alternative to the corn syrup-infused concoctions that you find in the freezer aisle of your local grocery store. Of course, in order to keep these popsicles healthy, you’ll need to use healthy grape juice. Look for juice that features “No added sugar” and “100 percent juice” on the labels. These popsicles are a popular summer treat, but most kids won’t hesitate to gobble them down anytime of the year.


1. Find two clean, empty ice cube trays.

2. Fill each tray with grape juice. Leave about 1/8-inch from the top of each cube.

3. Cover the trays tightly with Saran wrap. The top of the wrap should be taut.

4. Insert toothpicks through the Saran wrap into each cube. Make sure the sticks are standing as straight as possible (some tilting is inevitable).

5. Freeze the ice cube trays for at least three hours.

6. Remove the Saran wrap and gently pull the frozen grape juice cubes out of the tray. Place on a plate and serve.

Tags: Saran wrap, cube trays, each cube, grape juice