Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pit Cherries

Cherries are scrumptious. They are sweet and juicy, but the pits can make it difficult to enjoy a lot of them at once. Spitting out the pits is one option, but there are other ways to get the pits out-especially if you need a lot for baking. Read on to learn pit cherries.


Using a Knife

1. Wash the cherries.

2. Remove any stems.

3. Use the small knife to cut the cherry in half.

4. Pull the pit out with your fingers.

Using a Cherry Pitter

5. Wash the cherries.

6. Remove any stems.

7. Hold the pitter in your hand so the disc-like portion is on the bottom, with the spike on the top.

8. Place the cherry on the disc-like portion.

9. Squeeze the pitter so the spike goes through the cherry. The spike forces the pit out.

10. Make sure the pit comes out.

Using Martha Stewart's Method

11. Get a clean, metal paper clip.

12. Unfold the paper clip so that it looks like an "S."

13. Wash the cherries.

14. Insert the curve of the paper clip through the top of the cherry. Which side of the paper clip you use, the larger or smaller half of the "S," depends on the size of the cherry and the size of the paper clip. It may take a few tries to figure out what works best for you.

15. Twist or wiggle the paper clip to loosen the pit.

16. Pull the pit out. The stem comes out too.

Tags: paper clip, Wash cherries, cherries Remove, cherries Remove stems, disc-like portion