Friday, August 27, 2010

Where Is Escargot Usually Found

Snails hide and hibernate in their shells.

Snails have been eaten since ancient times, with a recipe for snails found in a cookbook from around the first century. Escargot is French for "snail"and is a popular appetizer in France. While snails are eaten all over the world, the French consume 40,000 metric tons of escargot annually, according to Snails make up a large part of the animal kingdom, and can be found on land and in water.

Marine snails

Seas, oceans, lakes and rivers are all good places to find marine snails. They can be seen feeding on algae and plants in the water, and some feed on smaller animals. Several kinds of snails are found in water, although snails found on land are usually favored for escargot recipes.

Land snails

Land snails can be found in gardens, around vegetation, and in warm and rainy climates. Snails can even be found in the desert. Although one might see a snail in daylight hiding in a cool corner, snails are nocturnal and do their feeding then, which is a good time to search for snails. They like plants, algae, fruit and vegetables. When food is at a minimum, they can find nutrients in dirt and soil, where they can also be found.

Snail farms

Snail farming is a business in many parts of the world and most restaurants get their snails from snail farmers. Snails that are grown on a farm can be controlled in terms of what they eat, which can improve their taste. Snail farms can be found on the Internet, where you can order snails from all over the world to be shipped to you or your business.

Tags: snails found, found land, Land snails, over world, Snail farms