Wax cheese is delicious when stored correctly.
Wax cheese is a delicious and healthy treat for anyone who loves eating cheese. The wax acts as a protective wrap for the cheese, and if stored correctly, wax cheese can last up to 25 years. Proper storage of wax cheese is just as important to keeping the cheese fresh as coating it with wax in the first place, since incorrect storage can lead to moldy, ruined cheese. Don't worry---properly storing wax cheese is quick and easy to do.
1. Cut the cheese into bite-size segments. Leave the wax on the cheese, as it will enhance the longevity of the cheese. You do not have to cut overly large chunks or slices for storage, since you would then have to cut the cheese again before eating it.
2. Take one section of the cheese and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. The plastic wrap will prevent oxygen from reaching the cheese. Exposure to air can cause cheese to go moldy. Wrap all the slices or piece of cheese you wish to store.
3. Write the date of purchase on the plastic wrap with a permanent marker. Although the cheese should keep for a long time, it is always a good idea to write the date of purchase on any food item you put into storage. Write the date on all of your individually wrapped packages.
4. Wrap a rubber band around the plastic-wrapped cheese. The plastic wrap in and of itself should be enough protection for the cheese; however, adding the rubber band gives the packages extra protection. You want to prevent any air from getting to the cheese while it is in storage, so wrapping it as tightly as possible is ideal.
5. Place all of your wrapped cheese inside a refrigerator or area that is cooler than room temperature. It is usually okay to store cheese in a cellar, where the temperature is generally cooler than in the rest of the house.
Tags: plastic wrap, cheese delicious, cooler than, correctly cheese, date purchase, rubber band