Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fillet A Redfish

Redfish, commonly found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, is a favorite among fish eaters, due to the fact that it does not have a strong "fishy" taste compared to that of salmon or cod. When acquiring a whole redfish, you must fillet it before preparing it to eat.


1. Slice the sides and belly. Using a sharp fillet knife, make a cut into the fish, just below the gills. Cut to the ribs, then slice down the belly of the redfish, stopping at the tail. Flip the fish over, and repeat the process on the other side.

2. Slice the top. Using the tip of the sharp fillet knife, slice the top side of the fish, completing the fillet from the backbone down to the ribs.

3. Remove the meat. Using the fillet knife as well as your hands, carefully remove the meat from the carcass, working parallel to the ribs. Repeat proceedure on the other side. Leave small piece of connecting tissue, known as the blood line, to connect the two fillets together.

4. Remove the bone and skin. Carefully remove any bone fragments from the meat. Lay the fillet flat, skin side down, and carefully cut the skin away from the meat.

5. Remove bloodline. Cut the bloodline away from the two fillets, and rinse each fillet with cold water.

Tags: fillet knife, away from, from meat, other side, sharp fillet, sharp fillet knife, Using sharp