Friday, December 13, 2013

What Are The Spots On A Strawberry

Strawberries are full of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and phytonutrients.

Strawberries are one of the most recognizable fruits. It's hard to confuse that teardrop shape, bright red color and those indistinguishable spots for another piece of produce. Many often wonder what the spots are and why strawberries have so many of them. When you bite into a strawberry, the spots are everywhere, but not everybody knows why. The question of why strawberries have spots has a simple answer. As with every piece of life, a strawberry's spots serve a biological function.

What are the Spots?

When you bite into a strawberry, the texture is smooth, squishy and a little bit crunchy. The crunchiness is all thanks to those pesky little spots. It may seem like the crunch lasts forever because, on average, there are over 200 spots in a strawberry. The reason the spots are crunchy is because each spot is a seed.

Function of the Seeds

Simply put, the function of a strawberry seed is to continue the life cycle of the strawberry. Humans have developed methods of cultivating and planting strawberry plants, but nature has its own way of creating new strawberries. As animals eat strawberries off the plant, the leftover strawberry -- the portion not eaten by the animal -- is often discarded. As the discarded portion of the strawberry rests on the ground, it decomposes. Once the strawberry decomposes, it leaves behind nothing but the seeds. The seeds develop into new strawberry plants and the life cycle continues. Seeds are also left on the ground as the strawberry plant dies.

Culinary Uses

Strawberry seeds are small, but they still pack a large punch in many fine dining restaurants. The seeds are used to garnish desserts such as flan, basque cake and ice cream. They are also ground into a powder and used to flavor fruitful dishes, including tarts and custards. When toasted, strawberry seeds develop a nutty flavor. The toasted seeds pair well with earthy dishes such as sweet rolls and breads, including strawberry banana nut bread.

Commercial Uses

Strawberry seeds are edible, but the uses for the seeds are not limited to the kitchen. The oil of strawberry seeds is often extracted and used in many commercial products. The oil by itself is sold as an beauty product which is said to make the human body healthier. The oil is also added to nutrition supplements and beauty products such as body lotions, creams and facial cleansers. The use of strawberry seed oil is not limited to the human body; it is used in some animal health treatments as well.

Tags: into strawberry, bite into, bite into strawberry, human body, life cycle, seeds develop