Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Low Carb Fat Fighting Foods

Carb counting has become a daily occurrence for many people. There are some who have no choice because of issues with their blood sugar. Then there are some who are just trying to follow a low-carb diet for weight loss. Either way you look at it, some foods out there offer a low amount of carbs but not at the expense of health benefits.


Low-carb, fat-fighting foods can help stabilize blood sugar levels that can prove beneficial for diabetes. As an added bonus, this can also keep weight under control.


Nuts, seeds and vegetable oils are all types of essential fatty acids that are low in carbs and help to fight fat. They are calorie-dense and low-carb so you don't need to eat a lot of them to feel satisfied.


Protein foods are low in carbs and help keep you feeling full longer after you eat them. The body also burns more calories to digest protein than it does to digest carbs and fats. Some good protein sources are lean meats, fish, low-fat dairy products and tofu.


Various fruits and vegetables are good sources of low-carb, fat-burning foods because they have a lot of fiber in them. Eating these foods will also contribute to keeping you full longer so you won't overeat. Some good choices are apples, citrus fruits, berries, melons, celery, cucumbers, collards, kale and spinach.


Coconut oil and shredded coconut are good sources of medium-chain fatty acids. They have fewer calories than regular fat, and they also help raise metabolism. (See Resources.)


Legumes are foods that are pod-bearing. These foods are loaded with fiber, high in protein and low on the glycemic index. Eating them will fill you up, give you energy and also keep blood sugars at a good level. These include edamame, beans, peas, peanuts and peanut butter.

Tags: also keep, blood sugar, carbs help, fatty acids, full longer, good sources