Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fold Over Stromboli Dough

Stromboli dough is traditionally folded over like a jelly roll. However, stromboli dough is sometimes folded in a crescent shape, giving it the appearance of a calzone. Either way you fold it, the most important part is making sure the dough seals properly.


1. Grab the longer sides of the stromboli dough and give them a slight tug. Pull hard enough so that the sides loosen and stretch slightly.

2. Fold one side of the stromboli dough over onto the other side. Depending on how you've rolled out the dough, this makes a crescent or rectangular shaped stromboli.

3. Press the edges of the stromboli dough down with your fingers, making sure no sauce or filling ingredients are on the edge. Continue pressing the edges down with your fingertips until the stromboli is fully sealed.

4. Rub the center of the stromboli gently with a back and forth motion. This helps spread the ingredients out evenly inside the stromboli.

5. Pinch the dough in the center of the stromboli and make a slight tear. Repeat this step in 2 places in the center of the stromboli. This helps release air so the stromboli won't explode.

6. Slide the folded stromboli onto a baking sheet or oven stone and bake.

Tags: center stromboli, down with, down with your, making sure, stromboli dough, stromboli dough