Thursday, February 13, 2014

Set Up Comcast Newsgroups

Comcast newsgroups have become an increasingly popular way for individuals with common interests to get together and discuss topics. It is a safe and alternative method to traditional forums, and the information can be conveniently viewed and stored. Follow the steps provided to learn set up Comcast newsgroups on your computer.


1. Click the Start button on your computer and then open the Outlook Express program.

2. Click on the Tools menu at the top of the screen and choose Accounts from the list.

3. Click on the News tab from the menu list and then click the Add button on the right side of the box.

4. Enter your display name and click Next. Your display name is the name that will be visible when you post a message to the selected newsgroup.

5. Type your email address in the box provided and click Next. This should be the email address that you want people to reply to.

6. Enter for the name of the Internet news server. Click the box that says your news server requires you to log on, and then click Next.

7. Enter your primary Comcast email address or username and your password, and then click Next. You may also want to choose the Remember My Password button, as this will save you some work later on. There is no need to check the box that asks if you want secure password authentication unless you want to.

8. Click the Finish button and close all windows.

Tips Warnings

Choose the Remember My Password box when entering your log on information to save time later.

Tags: comcast, newsgroups, click Next, email address, then click, Comcast newsgroups, display name, Enter your, news server, Remember Password, then click Next