Make a high school diploma for free. Bypass worries about diplomas arriving in time for the graduation ceremony. Forget the hassles that come with ordering diplomas from a printer. Avoid spending huge amounts of money for diplomas that may never be used because they were ordered in advance and the student(s) didn't graduate. Instead, make diplomas for free using resources already at the school.
1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint. Using this program benefits the user by letting them make hundreds of documents that are similar and allows them to even cut and paste names to avoid spelling problems. Most schools already have the software and this program allows the documents to be printed in color as well.
2. Select a suitable background. The background should allow words to be visually readable based on the way the colors of the font and the background work together so that the text stands out (known as the the contrast level).
3. Find a pleasing and readable font. When placing the font, leave a half inch around the edges of the paper (for step four). Change the fonts/font sizes highlighting the desired text and clicking on the toolbar to make the changes. Highlight the font again and click on the tool that centers the font. If the text is to be off center (like a signature at the bottom), type it into a text box (those squares where the program lets the user type) and resize/reposition the text box to move the text to the desired location. Add signatures at the bottom by using a series of underscores (Shift + Minus) where the signatures are will go. Under the underscores, use a small eight point font for the name of each person signing the diploma.
4. Use a paper cutter to take off half an inch from the margins. The margins are the area around the edges of the paper that can be trimmed to make the paper smaller. Cut poster board in a paper cutter so it measures exactly eight and a half by 11 inches (using a sheet of standard paper to measure the cut). Typically, schools have white poster board lying around, though any color can be used as long as it looks good with the printed certificate.
5. Use a glue stick to glue the paper in the center of the cardboard. The exposed margins of the cardboard make a frame must be a uniform size all the way around. The next step is optional.
6. Cut a two, two-inch lengths of ribbon. In one end, cut the ribbons from either edge of the ribbon so that the two cuts make a shape like a lizard tongue. Cross the tops of the two ribbons at the top and glue them in this position. Sealing wax can be made from food coloring and sealing wax. Drip sealing wax over the area that was glued and press a seal into the wax. The seal is made from modeling clay and allowed to dry completely before use. Make sure that the seal is properly lubricated and that the design is not too deep so that the clay resists sticking to the wax.
Tips Warnings
New fonts can be downloaded from the Microsoft Resource Center. If a new font is downloaded to a computer and used, download it to any computer that the font will be used on or it will not work, even if the other computer has PowerPoint running on it. If desired, this certificate can be made a size that allows it to be placed inside any diploma cover.
Do not falsify this official legal document. Make sure that this document meets all legal and accreditation requirements in your location.
Tags: make, high, school, diploma, free, around edges, around edges paper, edges paper, half inch, made from, Make sure, Make sure that, paper cutter, poster board